Sunday, June 11, 2023

Comics Review: "THE AMBASSADORS #6" is a Battle Royale


STORY: Mark Millar
ART: Matteo Scalera
COLORS: Lee Loughridge
LETTERS: Clem Robins
EDITORIAL: Sarah Unwin
COVER: Matteo Scalera
VARIANT COVER ARTIST: Kilian Plunkett with Marcelo Maiolo
44pp, Color, $5.99 U.S. (June 2023)

Rated M / Mature

The Ambassadors created by Mark Millar at Netflix

The Ambassadors is a comic book miniseries written and created by Mark Millar.  The series focuses on the six people out of eight billion humans who will receive super-powers.  Each person will become a member of  the international rescue squad, The Ambassadors.  Each issue of The Ambassadors will be drawn by a different superstar comic book artist.  The sixth issue is drawn by Matteo Scalera; colored by Lee Loughridge; and lettered by Clem Robins.

The Ambassadors focuses on the efforts of Doctor Choon-He Chung.  The technology of her company, Chung Solutions (the world leader in bio-engineering and artificial intelligence), built her a new body.  Now, she wants to share super-powers with the world.  From her “Base-Control” in Antarctica, Choon-He is building “The Ambassadors.”

The Ambassadors #6 opens in Gyeongju, South Korea.  “Codename Mexico” has joined The Ambassadors just in time for the first team international exercise.  There is a powerful tsunami on the way to Gyeongju, and The Ambassador for Mexico has completed the team just in time for them to face their first major conflict together.

Unbeknownst to them, however, this first team mission will also be the first time that Choon-He discovers the truth behind her husband, Jin-Sung's activities.  He has created his own superhuman upgrade program, and super-rich guys from around the world have paid him a billion dollars each in order to gain super-powers.  Now, the battle between super-teams will begin, and the winner will decide the fate of the world.

Plus, Jamie McPhail of the “Bonzo Project” returns again.

THE LOWDOWN:  Thanks to a review copy provided by the Mark Millar division of Netflix, I have been able to read all six issues of The Ambassadors.  This is a treat for which I have been awaiting since the announcement of the series last year.

Writer Mark Millar does penultimate issues (the second-to-last issue) of miniseries quite well, and The Ambassadors #5 was an excellent one, promising a hell of sixth and final issue of the first arc of this franchise.  Lo and behold, Millar delivers just such a fantastic final issue in The Ambassadors #6.  The finale has the intensity and superhero violence that is on the level of magic-infused violence of concluding issues of Millar's The Magic Order miniseries.

This issue's artist Matteo Scalera, one of Millar's best collaborators, details the action and excitement in a way that delivers bracing and entertaining reading.  Colorist Lee Loughridge is always good at coloring comic books that are intense thrillers, and he does quite well here.

The ending makes me excited about the future of The Ambassadors.  Who are going to be their next rivals?  And I'm sure at least one current Ambassador will be foolish enough to bring infamy to this team.  But for now, enjoy this first series now, or be waiting for The Ambassadors trade paperback, dear readers.

I READS YOU RECOMMENDS:  Fans of Mark Millar and of big concept superhero comic books will want to read The Ambassadors.


Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux a.k.a. "I Reads You"

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